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    永續 創新 聯誠興

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  • Unique patented technology


    FullyRecyclable & Close loop Solution for B/W Laminated Fabrics

    With Sustainable & AdvancedTechnologies/New Concept/Patents


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    1. Advantages for Close loop with physical recycleprocess:


    (a) Simple recycle with Physical method:Crash/Wash/Dry/Melt/Granule

    易回收: 粉碎/清洗/烘乾/融解/造粒


    (b) Higher Purify: Same base or one base Thermoplastic Materialsfor Fabric & Film, Without PUR Glue

    高純度: 因使用同質或同一性之熱可塑型材料的布料和膜料組合, 無使用PUR貼合膠


    (c) Less process & Less Carbon: Reduce energy, Water& cost

    減少回收製程: 減少使用能源和水源及成本


    (d) More Re-useable ranges



    (e) More Re-made efficiency & durable



    (f) Less Scrap & Chemical


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    2. Advance Technologies & New Concept and with Some Patents:


    (a) Same base or One base of Thermoplastic material for Fabric & Film



    (b) Full covering heat laminated technology without PUR Adhesive Glue



    (c) Perforated for Micro funnel holes of film, Harmless the Fabric’s Structure & pattern with Higher Air Breathable/Lower Waterproof or Water resistance functions.

    可微破孔於膜面上且不傷害原布結構與紋路, 能達高通透氣和低耐水壓的技術


    (d) Printing and Dyeing at one Process on film with pattern and colors, and heat laminated to Fabric

    可結合將顏色和圖案印刷於膜面上與熱貼合於布料上, 減少用水和廢水


    (e) Multiple 3D Structure Shape for pattern design on Substrates



    (f) Have integrated function & Fashion together



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    3. Products & Functions:


    (a) Air Breathable/Water proof Heat laminated Fabric



    (1) Outer wear: 2 layers of perforated film/Fabric or 3 Layers of Fabric/film/Fabric.

    外件衣: 2 層布(破微孔膜/布)或 3 層布(布/破微孔膜/布)


    (2) Middle wear: Inhibit Fiber or Feather to Exude

    中件衣: 抑止羽絨或纖維外漏


    (3) Shoes: Easy Cleaning & Maintenance

    鞋: 易擦拭去汙與保養


    (4) Back Bag: Fashion & Comfort

    背包: 時尚與舒適


    (5) Other Textile products:



    (b) Air Breathable + Moisture & Waterproof laminated Fabric



    (c) Printed 2 Layers Air Breathable & Water proof Heat laminated Fabric(Uni-pavo): 2 Side wear

    印刷2層透氣防水熱貼合布: 可2面交互穿


    (d) Multiple Structure shape Substrates


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    4. Intellectual property (Patents)


    (a) Taiwan台灣:

    (1) I699196

    (2) I699471

    (3) I660800

    (4) I657174

    (5) I652170

    (6) 627059

    (7) I616313

    (8) I535909

    (9) I523757

    (10) I513870

    (11) I741303


    (b) Some Related Patents in European, USA, & China

    相關專利於歐洲, 美國與中國


  • 最新消息



    ISPO Textrends Award-Spring/Summer 2025 - Soft Equipment - Top 5 Fully recyclable mono 3 layers heat, air breathable and water resistance laminated fabric. No PUR glue or adhesive. Sustainable advanced technologies and concept with patents for: full covering heat laminated for more attach area of the film to the fabric - Print color and patterns on film to replace dye and print on fabric - Physical perforated micro holes on film side, harmless for the fabric's structure and pattern. Fully recyclable for a close loop recycled process, less energy/carbon/water/2nd waste. Heat laminated without PUR glue or less chemical. Easily recycled, reduce process, high purity, less waste and better reuse and remade. Breathable for more comfort with suitable water resistance. Better fit and 2 sides wearable. Soft, delicate with a unique look. Easy and better to component. Abrasion resistance, Breathable, Eco-friendly, Recyclable, Water repellent, Other

    ISPO Textrends Award-Spring/Summer 2025 - Membrane & Coating - Top 10 Sustainable advanced technologies and concept with patents: full covering heat laminated for more attached area of the film to the fabric without glue. Color and patterns print
    2015,Jan-March at Taiwan textie federation's hall

    2015,Jan-March at Taiwan textie federation's hall

    2014, October 15-17 Uni-Win attended 2014 taipei titas

    2014, October 15-17 Uni-Win attended 2014 taipei titas

    2013, October 25 WGSN NEWS

    2013, October 25 WGSN NEWS

    2013: TITAS Top 5 mills
    By Gar Cheung, WGSN, 25 October 2013
    Uni Win International, Her Ching Knitting, Tai Erh Enterprise, Chin Hsiang Shun and Hitex Textile are the
    top mills from this year's TITAS.
    Uni Win International Corp
    Originating from Taipei, Uni Win International Corp is a key manufacturer specialising in functional and industrial fabrics. These include eco-friendly performance textiles, breathable lightweights, and mesh developments. Home fabrics are structured, waterproof and foiled. This season focuses on heatlaminated finishes and experimental layering. Prints are applied to textured surfaces, with washed rainbow palettes, highlights of metallic sheens, and a focus on modern florals.
     2013, October 15-17 Uni-Win attended 2013 taipei titas

    2013, October 15-17 Uni-Win attended 2013 taipei titas

    2013, September 12 Fu Jen Catholic University, Zorpian

    2013, September 12 Fu Jen Catholic University, Zorpian

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